Hudson Valley Parent 13
Self-care strategies
You can't pour from an empty cup. Our bodies
are vessels to carry around our personalities and
an empty cup or vessel will often manifest in the
body as aches and pains, headaches, digestion is-
sues, and even skin breakouts, like acne, and rash-
es. Skin care and body work are vital to self-care
because touch is a basic human need. It validates
life and gives hope, allowing us to move forward in life.
When women say they are just "going through the motions," they have
failed to replenish their "well" of "being" (well-being). The cup is empty. Al-
lowing one's self to feel important, valued, and nurtured is vital to everyone.
Whether it's a facial, massage or reiki, manicure, hot bath, reading a good
book, or a cup of coffee with a friend, schedule daily time to replenish, so
your cup never runs out.
Self-care begins with self-awareness. Pay attention to the actions in your
life that bring you joy and when you're feeling low, regroup, and may sure
you refill your cup.
Lyna Mancuso Bedka, LE, Bloom Beauty & Wellness in Fishkill,