Hudson Valley Parent

HVP February 2020

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28 Hudson Valley Parent n February 2020 face in getting good dental care. "I believe it's always a parent's intention to do their best, but some- times all the other pieces are miss- ing," she said, of obstacles that may keep kids out of the dental chair, such as transportation, childcare issues, or budgetary constraints. But there are other cases, Jones said, where adults who don't pay at- tention to their dental health, don't see the value of why it's important for their child. A pivotal moment for Jones was when a dentist told her that people only get one set of teeth. "When my girls were young, we were all in (the bathroom) brushing together," she said. "It was a moment we could spend together and there was a lot of laughter," along with a brushing routine. For the little ones, Jones suggest- ed that parents brush their child's By OLIVIA L. LAWRENCE W hen Julie Jones' 14-year- old daughter spent an overnight at a friend's house, she forgot her toothbrush. As soon as she got home, she told her mom that she needed to brush teeth right away. Not every teen might have had that reaction, but there's a reason this one did. "It all goes back to habits," said Jones, of a cornerstone of good dental health that she's incorporated into her daughter's care. "It's routine and habits." As a mother of three in Kingston who works with Family of Wood- stock Inc. that provides services for families in need, Jones is well-aware of the challenges many parents may gums or gently massage them when their teeth start to come in. Then, by pre-school, a children's book on dental care or a model of the teeth can help get kids invested in about caring for their own. A pediatrician and dental visits also play important roles, said Jones, since getting a toothbrush kit can put a smile on kids' faces. Dentist has key role. Dentist, Neesha Duggal, of Orange Coun- ty and a graduate of Goshen High School grew up shadowing her father, Paul Duggal a dentist and head of a long-time dental practice in Middletown. Duggal, the mother of a three-year-old son, now runs her own practice, Wurtsboro Dental, in Wurtsboro. Early on, Duggal said, children's pediatricians typically start kids on supplemental fluoride drops. But Good habits make for healthy teeth Start early for lasting care A young patient shows off her 'Cavity Free Rockstar" certificate with dentist, Neesha Duggal of Wurtsboro Dental, in Wurtsboro, Orange County.

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