Hudson Valley Parent 5
Every day is stressful. Now we're in
the middle of school placement. Hav-
ing a getaway is something that he can
enjoy and is a great family holiday.
He also goes to an adaptive hip hop
class. They do wonderful things with
children of all different abilities. My
daughter helps teach the class. It's
family fun.
HVP: How does Charlie express his
Aaron-Noel: He's curious and loves to
draw. He's become quite the cartoon
artist. A framed picture of his was fea-
tured at the Arlington High School art
contest last spring. He was one of the
few children from the district whose
drawing was picked for the show.
It would hurt him to hold a pencil, but
we learned how to deal with that. He
went to therapies last year and loved
it. Now drawing is an amazing outlet
for him He has some speech and lan
guage delay, so this is another tool for
us to show who he is.
Charlie Trappeda loves to draw, a fun skill
that provides him with an added outlet for
• A happy, safe and caring environment encouraging
a child's physical, creaŸve, and intellectual growth
• Serving children of all abiliŸes
• Early and aLer care hours available
Kathy Masloski, Director
845-883-5151 20 Park Lane, Highland, NY 12528
845-293-5600 228 Ward Street, Montgomery, NY 12549
Learning Together, where children explore
the world the way they learn best, through play!