Hudson Valley Parent 7
found five figures, use
addition, subtraction,
multiplication or division
for different equations
then find their sums. For
youngsters, have two
people put both hands
behind their backs, then
bring them forward to
show any number of fin-
gers they want. The first
person to add all the fin-
gers correctly and shout
out the answer wins.
6. Writing reflections.
Encourage your children
to write a journal entry
for each day and include
superlatives: the best part of
the day, worst part, some-
thing unexpected. List them
as bullets or write them in
sentences and paragraphs.
Punctuate certain items
through illustrations. If you
have preschoolers, record
their words and let them
draw corresponding pictures.
Make it into a scrap book by
including small items collect-
ed around the house or yard.
Denise Morrison Yearian is the
former editor of two parenting
magazines and the mother of three