Hudson Valley Parent 7
• Stay off your devices
when around them. If
you unplug and live with-
out a screen, this shows
your kids that they can do
the same thing and still be
perfectly okay.
• Spend time with your
child. Scheduling quality
time with an afflicted child
shows him or her how
much you care. This also
helps reinforce the notion
that you are not taking
away their devices and
games out of spite, but
because you love them.
• Enroll them in extra-
curriculars. Both of my
daughters play sports,
take dance, and play in-
struments. This keeps
them busy, active, en-
gaged, and bonus: it takes
their mind off of screens
for a while!
Jill Valentino is a wife, mom
of two, elementary educator,
and lifelong resident of the
Hudson Valley. You can find
her on Facebook, Twitter,
Pinterest, and Medium @dou-