6 Hudson Valley Parent
Spring 2020
Instead of apologizing…
…say what you'd say to
any typical family: "Your
child is adorable, what
a great smile, I love that
outfit," etc. We want our
children to be seen for
awesome, well-loved
kids that they are.
"But he doesn't look
like he has a disability."
That's why it's import-
ant to check with the
parents before saying
hello and bending down
into the child's personal
space bubble unan-
Instead of entering my
child's personal space un-
…let the parent re-in-
troduce you, explaining
how you're related and
about the last time you
were all together.
His meltdowns aren't
my fault. Meltdowns
for children with autism
spectrum disorder and
sensory processing issues
can be caused by many
factors and usually occur
unannounced, without
noticeable triggers.
Instead of judging…