10 Hudson Valley Parent
Spring 2020
mined to stay healthy and make better
choices. As the months went on, the fro-
zen fruit in the freezer was replaced with
pizza rolls and the home-cooked meals
were replaced with take-out from the
pizza shop in my apartment complex.
The convenience was too much to pass
But I wasn't feeling my best and knew
that my food choices were a big part
of it. My first change was to journal ev-
erything I ate and drank to hold myself
accountable. Once it was on paper, I
couldn't simply ignore it anymore. I was
not giving my body what it needed.
At the end of every day, I wrote down
what I ate throughout the day and how
it made me feel. My diet still isn't perfect,
and I still have a lot to learn about my
body and taking care of it the right way,
but this has been a good start.
Put down the phone
I admit it. I am absolutely addicted
to my phone and social media. But I am
determined to break that addiction. One
day after a long day at work, my hus-
band and I settled in for the night and
flipped on Netflix. After about an hour, I
looked up and realized that I had no idea
what was going on in the program. I had
tuned into my phone and tuned out the
movie and my husband, didn't even no-
tice because his nose was buried in his
phone too.
My goal was not to not use my phone
at all—that would be too much. My goal
was to use it less and to enjoy the things
around me. I started by making sure I