your sitter
hen looking for the
perfect caregiver, many
families don't know
where to begin. The Internet offers a
quick solution for finding caregiver information, but it can also be
a misleading source.
"A thorough screening includes live court
research in addition to
an online web search,"
New moms
said Darren Dupriest,
president and CEO of
Validity Screening Solutions. "Make
sure your search includes an all-encompassing look at an applicant's
verifications, records with federal
and state agencies and other personal assessment screenings."
Criminal Records
A thorough search will identify
any felony or misdemeanor criminal
convictions. This search should be
current enough to include any pending cases involving the candidate.
Sex offender registries
A criminal record search alone
does not include significant sex
offender information because each
state has its own stand-alone registry.
Be sure to look for a screening company that offers a multi-state check.
Preschool through
Eighth Grade
Traditional learning in
an innovative environment
Driving records
A thorough check of their driving
history includes the possession of a
valid driver's license, and ensuring it
has not been suspended or revoked.
'New Moms' is a
monthly column dedicated to our readers in
their earliest stages of
415 Route 343
Millbrook, New York 12545
Hudson Valley Parent 27