20 minutes
to a tidier
Easy tips to get
your house organized
in a hurry
ike many moms, I love having
a clean house. Even if the
kids are running around and
tossing their toys all over the place,
I feel so happy when I look at a
gleaming kitchen with clean countertops and nice sparkling bathrooms.
I'm not alone. In a recent survey
from Working Mother, 68 percent
of moms said they try to keep their
house clean to feel more at peace.
As much as I love a clean house,
however, I'm usually not very motivated to put in all the hard work
and elbow grease required to make
it spic and span. Instead of feeling
guilty, every day I do a "general
tidy." In 20 minutes or less, I zoom
around the house taking care of
key tasks, so my house feels picked
up and organized. After I do the
general tidy, I feel the house is
"good enough," and I can move on
to more fun things like taking the
kids to the park or catching up with
a friend over a cup of coffee.
Here's how to tidy your house
every day in 20 minutes or less:
Be an early bird
Even if you have to wake up 20
minutes earlier, it's worth it to do
this routine in the morning, because
32 Hudson Valley Parent
February 2014