Hudson Valley Parent 21
Heather's husband, Sal, shaved her head in mid-January. "Me and Sal the Barber," she says.
"Doesn't every town have one?"
ICU. During my time in the hospital,
I am monitored every one to two
hours for blood clots using Doppler.
The sound of healthy blood flow
in my new breasts sounds like the
beating of a baby's heart. And it's
just as comforting. It means "the
new girls" are alive and well.
The surgery is just one part of the
journey. Though my tumors were
early stage (0 and 1 for the left and
right breasts, respectively), they
were aggressive and there is the
chance that some cancer cells es-
caped. So, I'm currently undergoing
16 weeks of chemotherapy. I'll also
be having my ovaries removed to
reduce the risk of ovarian cancer.
It's another crazy year ahead. But
it's another year that I'm alive.
Heather Labruna lives in Goshen
with her husband and two children.
hudson health plan
health insurance