Hudson Valley Parent

HVP November 2014

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Page 2 of 41 n Hudson Valley Parent 3 6$17$$55,9$/0$*,&6+2: 6DWXUGD\1RYHPEHUDWQRRQ -RLQXVIRUDVSHFLDO+ROLGD\0DJLF6KRZDWQRRQLQ&HQWHU&RXUW ,PPHGLDWHO\DIWHUWKHVKRZ6DQWDZLOODUULYHLQD6KLQ\)LUH7UXFNZLWKDOOWKHEHOOV DQGZKLVWOHVLQIURQWRIWKHPDOOFRPSOLPHQWVRI:LQRQD/DNH)LUH'HSDUWPHQW ',*,7$/3+2726:,7+6$17$ $YDLODEOH1RYHPEHUWKURXJK'HFHPEHU "Dear Santa, see you at Newburgh Mall." 5HGLVFRYHU8V ZZZQHZEXUJKPDOOFRP %HG%DWK %H\RQG2IÀFH'HSRW6HDUV7KH%RQ7RQDQGVSHFLDOW\VWRUHV VHUYLFHV (DV\$FFHVV([LW%RII,DQG([LWRI,5RXWH1HZEXUJK1< &RQQHFWZLWKXVRQ DQG FREE Face Painting after Santa arrives! ...We take care of kids... 104 Fulton Avenue Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 Phone: 845.452.1700 THE PEDIATRICIANS OF THE HUDSON VALLEY SM Fishkill Hopewell Junction Hyde Park Kingston Modena Newburgh Pawling Poughkeepsie Rhinebeck With more than 25 years of experience in pediatric medicine, Dr. Arlene Solomon has been a dedicated member of our team for five years. Her Board Certifica- tions in pediatric advanced life support and neonatal advanced life support make her our "go-to doc" in some of the scariest situations than can confront a family. And her anchoring presence in our Modena office gives patients and their parents a convenient alternative between Kingston and Newburgh. Ask Dr. Solomon why she loves The Children's Medical Group and she'll tell you CMG is all about kids, staffed with experienced professionals who excel at what they do. Nine "local" offices offer comprehensive medical services from birth through adolescence. Need a same-day appointment? We've got that. Responsive emergency intervention or superlative care for chronic illness? We're all over that, too. Caring for kids isn't our business, it's our life. And we wouldn't have it any other way. Having two college-aged sons of her own, Dr. Solomon knows how to talk to kids without talking down to them. Arlene Knows Kids. Always accepting new patients. Open 365 days a year. Visit our website or call our main number to schedule an appointment with Dr. Solomon in our Modena office. Follow us on facebook & twitter Arlene Solomon, MD

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