Hudson Valley Parent

HVP January 2015

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14 Hudson Valley Parent ■ January 2015 I packed you ham and cheese for lunch today! After nap, you'll go on the playground and I'll be back to pick you up at 3." Don't sneak out I've seen many parents wait until their child looks away and then rush out the door without a goodbye. When the child realizes this, they often become even more upset than they were originally and it takes longer to calm them down. Let your child know you're leaving instead of sneaking away. Be quick Don't prolong the goodbye. This doesn't mean you should push them out of the car and drive off either! Establish a routine, such as you leave after you help your child hang up their backpack. Then give them a cheerful hug, kiss and goodbye and head out. Keep going Say goodbye and then go. Tara, a mom of three, says, "I was a mess when I first sent my oldest child to daycare. I would listen outside the door and if she was still crying after 30 seconds, I headed right back in to comfort her. We'd do this half a dozen times or more some mornings. After several months, the director urged me to wait longer. My daugh- ter screamed for three minutes and stopped. I continued listening at the door and the crying decreased to mere seconds — if she cried at all!" Call to check in If you're worried, call or email the caregiver, director or teacher to check on your child. Return on time When you come back when you say you will, your child will begin to understand that you'll always return :+(5(<281*0,1'6*52: Dutchess Day School 415 Route 343 Millbrook, NY 12545 845.677.5014 Q info @ Preschool through Eighth Grade Traditional learning in an innovative environment 'DON'T LEAVE ME!' (Continued from Page 13) 3/$<(;3/25( 7KDW¶VKRZZHGR &20021&25( 7\PRU7LNHV 7\PRU3DUN5G/D*UDQJHYLOOH 8QLRQ9DOH1

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