Hudson Valley Parent

HVP January 2015

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24 Hudson Valley Parent ■ January 2015 By CAROL J. ALEXANDER E very January brings talk of the relief a parent feels when the kids go back to school. But school time doesn't help the mom of toddlers, homeschooling parents, or those who are housebound during a winter storm. These moms need something a little more creative when there's no big, yellow bus pull- ing up to the door. They need: Books Kids love read-alouds. Mine would beg for "just one more chap- ter" every evening while they sipped hot cocoa and munched popcorn by the fire. Sometimes, if we finished our ho- meschooling early, they could coax me into an afternoon reading as well. If you know a storm is coming, head to the library and stock up on some new titles. Movies In our home, movies are a treat reserved for a weekend night if certain criteria are met. Criteria like a clean room, chores done, and no fighting that day. But if the kids are home for snow days, and they've had all the sledding they can take, what's it going to hurt to watch three in a row — just this once. Games Don't let being cooped up in the house drive everyone to their own rooms, phones, or computers. Turn off the electronics and get out a board game. Candy Land can keep them busy for at least a few hours. Baking There's no better way to warm up a cold kitchen than popping some cookies into the oven. Get the kids into the kitchen and bake together. Snowed in! Cabin fever? Here are 11 great tips for surviving snow days (Continued on Page 26)

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