Hudson Valley Parent

HVP April 2015

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Page 16 of 41 ■ Hudson Valley Parent 17 Valley Seeds to donate seeds to the students' gardens, farmers from Common Grounds to come in and talk to students about where their food really comes from and has arranged seasonal donations from Glynwood Farm that provide a do-it- yourself salad bar that the kids adore. "Our kids look up to the CIA students like rock stars," McKelvey says. "They see them making these amazing dishes and they're inspired. I get emails and phone calls from parents all the time telling me about how their sons and daughters are now obsessed with kale and beets after initially refusing to even try them at home!" Following the pilot program, HVFS soon became a small consulting and philanthropic business, helping the Garrison and Beacon school districts create their own hands-on nutrition programs and getting local farm pro- duce and dairy into schools in the region. Bringing locally grown, fresh foods into city and rural school cafeterias and getting children to understand that French fries are not the only deli- cious veggie (and no, they don't come out of the ground like that), helps ensure our children's health and also the vibrancy of our local economies, McKelvey says. Kathleen Willcox is a freelance writer and mother of 2-year-old twins. She lives with her family in Schenectady. COME SEE ALL THE OPPORTUNITIES WE HAVE FOR YOUR CHILDREN! PRIVATE MONTESSORI EDUCATION - PREK THRU 2ND GRADE, VALLEY CENTRAL UPK PROGRAM, EXTENDED DAY OPTIONS, SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM, KINDERMUSIK, BIRTHDAY PARTIES, PRIVATE MUSIC LESSONS AND MUSIC PROGRAMS FOR FAMILIES WITH SPECIAL NEEDS. $OORIRXUFODVVHVDUHWDXJKWE\H[SHUWVFHUWLÀHGE\'DQFH(GXFDWRUVRI$PHULFD +LS+RS%DOOHW3RLQWH7DS-D]]$FUREDWLFV0RGHUQ&RPELQDWLRQ 6RXWK5G:DSSLQJHUV)DOOV MENLWD#DROFRP )5(( 5HJLVWUDWLRQ ZKHQ\RXEULQJ LQWKLVDG ,QVXUDQFHQRWLQFOXGHG ([SLUHV Sandy McKelvey with her daughter, Joia. KARATE BIRTHDAY PARTIES! "Every child participates & has fun!" " A non-stop great time!" Your child doesn't have to be a student to have a FUNTASTIC PARTY! For over 30 years, we have provided children with a unique, action-packed day. Party favors include free classes! grea Call now to fi nd out more and reserve a date! 845-784-4064 WWW.TSK.COM

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