Hudson Valley Parent 31
er or not they want their baby cir-
cumcised," she explains. "For most,
if the father is circumcised then so is
the son."
This has something to do with
looking the same, but also with an
understanding of how to care for an
uncircumcised penis.
"You have to pull back and clean
under the glans," she explains. "If
the father has never had to do it, it's
harder to teach the son how."
In the late 1800s, circumcision
was thought to cure epilepsy, irri-
tability, and masturbation. Today,
in the United States, it is thought to
provide protection against infection
and certain diseases. By understand-
ing the latest global medical research
and opinions and consulting with
your doctor, you can make the best
decision possible for your son and
your family.
Linda Freeman is a freelance writ-
er in Marlboro.
For more information
The Circumcision Resource
– www.circumcision.org
– search
Circumcision Resources
American Congress of
Obstetrics and Gynecologists'
FAQs about Circumcision
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