Hudson Valley Parent

HVP February 2017

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26 Hudson Valley Parent n February 2017 Equally important is to share other concerns, such as if your family is going through a divorce or has experienced a recent death, as this may affect how your child interacts throughout the day. Remember, camps look out for the physical and emotional needs of your child, so the more information you provide, the better equipped they will be. You will also be asked to fill out an emergency contact form, which lists another designated individual to call if you cannot be reached in the event of an accident or illness. While it is imperative to have an appointed individual, equally important is that the person knows she is designated as such. Every year camps contact the emergency person listed and she was not informed she was "on call." The best advice? Check with that individual before writing the name down. 9. Peruse policies & procedures. Camp should give you materials on camp policies, procedures and your child to costs more than you can afford, find out if there is a scholarship program. Also, ask about a refund policy, in the event of an illness or family emergency. 7. Arrange a pre-visit. Many day camps have open houses prior to season start up. Find out if the camp you have chosen has one. If not, make other arrangements to introduce yourself to those who will be caring for your child. Since open houses are a good time to gather information, jot down any questions you have before leaving home. If they are not addressed during this time, ask to speak with someone before securing your deposit. 8. Fill out forms. During your pre-visit, you may receive forms to fill out. When it comes to medical forms, be thorough and specific. If your child was on a medication during the school year but will be taken off of it for the summer, make sure the camp is aware of this as it could cause an extreme change in behavior. Insect and food-relat- ed allergies should be listed too. do the counselors have? How are they selected? What is the camp's discipline policy? Are they trained to take care of health concerns such as asthma, allergies and dispensing medicine? 5. Focus on the facility. Ask about indoor and outdoor facilities. Is there ample indoor space for children to play during inclement weath- er? What do they do if it rains all week? Is the outdoor equipment and grounds well maintained and safe? Are the children's swimming skills tested before they are allowed to en- ter the water? Is the staff certified in lifesaving and present during water activities? 6. Investigate cost. Inquire about additional fees. Some day camps have a base price but charge extra for trips, special events and activi- ties. If the camp you want to send (Continued on Page 28) DAY CAMP (Continued from Page 25)

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