Hudson Valley Parent

HVP April 2018

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10 Hudson Valley Parent n April 2018 Just For Women ME TIME ! One mom's trash is another's treasure It's finally warm enough to pack up your chunky sweaters and knits and pull your spring clothes down from the attic. Before you say "see you next year" to your winter wardrobe, take the time to go through it and see if there are things that you can get rid of. Instead of filling your closet with clothes you don't wear, donate your gently used items to someone who will use them. Goodwill has locations all over the Hudson Valley that make it super easy to donate the clothes you haven't worn all season. All Goodwill stores accept donations of clothing, shoes, accessories and household goods. Start this new season with a different outlook. Create a plan to declutter your closet and rid yourself of clothes you don't need anymore. Begin with all of the hangers in your closet facing in. As you wear, wash and re-hang clothes, turn their hangers outward. When you are ready to bring out your winter clothes again, take the clothes that are still on hangers facing in to the local Goodwill. Having an organized closet will make you feel good and giving back will make you feel even better. ©2017 NaturaLawn ® of America, Inc. A division of NATURLAWN ® 6HUYLFHV3URGXFWV(DFKRIÀFHLQGHSHQGHQWO\RZQHGDQGRSHUDWHG Kick the ticks the safer way. When considering the KHDOWKEHQHÀWVIRU \RXUIDPLO\XVHD VDIHUDOWHUQDWLYH 2XUSURJUDPRIIHUV VHDVRQORQJFRQWURORI WLFNVRQ\RXUSURSHUW\ ( 845 ) 471-8308 6DIH11DWXUDO#7LFN5DQJHUFRP Contact us for your FREE price quote. $50 OFF a Full Program! :KHQ\RXEHFRPHDQHZ7LFN5DQJHU ® customer. Satisfaction guaranteed or ZH·OOUHWUHDWDWQRFRVW-2IIHUHQGVVRRQ

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