8 Hudson Valley Parent
Spring 2020
We are each (children, too) pushed to
our own limits, missing our individual
lives and perhaps even some solitude.
Be gentle with yourself, your husband,
your kids as you are all adjusting and will
continue to adjust.
2. Limit your daily dose of watching/
reading news.
Trust that you'll find out the big things
you need to know in the (my recom-
mendation of ) ten minutes per day. This
is just being careful with what you are
allowing yourself to be exposed to and
thus think about. If you've been feeling
anxious during these weeks, too much
news may be part of the cause.
3. Breathe.
Seriously, just breathe.
Inhale. Exhale. Loosen
your shoulders, lengthen
your neck, and release
your jaw. Stretch. Go for a
walk. Drink water. These
are basics that will bring
you back to the present
moment. It is in your con-
trol how you respond to
what is going on. Relax.
Follow recommended
guidelines for mitigating
the spread of COVID-19 –
face masks, clean hands,
and social distancing –
which brings me to the
last step.
4. Call your friends and loved ones.
The ones you actually like. Texting is
good. Phone calls are better. Or even
FaceTime. Check in on your friends who
have always seemed to have it just a
wee bit harder than you have. These
times are tough.
And remember, most importantly,
you've got this. You really, really do.
Ilana Charette is the lap band weight loss
surgery coach. She coaches moms who struggle
with regain after bariatric surgery. She teaches
women how to trust themselves — and their
bodies again. Find out more about her and
follow along as she loses 160 lbs in public:
WhatTheWeightLoss.com and on Instagram.