Hudson Valley Parent 29
Head Start
Preparing children and parents
for a productive life educational experience
ant to know where Big
Bird came from? He's a
product of the Head Start
program. So are upwards of 25 mil-
lion children - many of them in our
own communities.
According to Kingston resident
Ashley Terpening it got her daughter
and son, now 7 and 5, respectively,
ready to go to school. Both went
through Head Start at the Children's
Learning Center. "They got used to
being around other children their
age, so now they're comfortable in
the classroom setting and with mak-
ing friends."
Terpening said that the program's
family workers helped her manage
her time so she could go back to
school. After earning a bachelor's de-
gree in sociology this past May with
(Continued on Page 30)
Head Start helped Ashley Terpening , of
Kingston, move forward with her life.