Hudson Valley Parent

HVP September 2017

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Page 16 of 39 n Hudson Valley Parent 17 ©2017 NaturaLawn ® of America, Inc. A division of NATURLAWN ® 6HUYLFHV3URGXFWV(DFKRIÀFHLQGHSHQGHQWO\RZQHGDQGRSHUDWHG Kick the ticks the safer way. When considering the KHDOWKEHQHÀWVIRU \RXUIDPLO\XVHD VDIHUDOWHUQDWLYH 2XUSURJUDPRIIHUV VHDVRQORQJFRQWURORI WLFNVRQ\RXUSURSHUW\ ( 845 ) 471-8308 6DIH11DWXUDO#7LFN5DQJHUFRP Contact us for your FREE price quote. $50 OFF a Full Program! :KHQ\RXEHFRPHDQHZ7LFN5DQJHU ® customer. Satisfaction guaranteed or ZH·OOUHWUHDWDWQRFRVW-2IIHUHQGVVRRQ Routines are vital so parents need to establish and stick to an easy to follow schedule that their kids can be responsible for. Visual aids help encourage maintenance of a new routine and help kids gain independence. Checklists are a good tool. School related stuff should have a designated area. A distraction free homework space and a staging area for the morning rush is beneficial. Studies show children aren't getting enough practice with hand- writing at primary school, which can severely hamper their progress later on. When a child writes slowly, it shows that they still have to think about the act of writing, leaving less room in the brain for content. Encourage your child to practice writing. Create lists and write letters. Make the practice fun so it seems less daunting. Expect success, get success Speak and listen to your child in a way that fosters conversation. Ask specific questions about their day. If you start with "What did you do in school today?" you're likely to be met with the response, "Nothing." When your children do respond, make sure your express interest. Phrase your responses in ways that show you expect success from them and that you have their growth in mind. Let your child know that you expect them to do "their best" so that they'll be proud of what they can accomplish. When an outcome is not as hoped for keep language and thoughts positive. Approach this new school year with a new found perspective on how to raise a suc- cessful, well-rounded learner. Find and encourage your own curiosity and grit. Read. Talk about reading. Write. Finding your own abilities will allow your children to take on a new perspective of what can be achieved. Paul Schwartz, Ph.D. is a professor of psychology and education at Mount Saint Mary College in Newburgh. Want more from Dr. Paul Schwartz? Check out what else he has to say at

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