Issue link: n Hudson Valley Parent 27 sauce. Give them the encouragement they need to make good choices." Add color to their lunch box "I noticed everything they were eating was white," says Diana Buonocore, mom and member of the Central Hudson PTA. Now, she puts "a rainbow in their lunch box." Raspberries, broccoli and sweet potatoes bring color to their plates. Buonocore gradually made changes to what her children liked, re-working favorites into healthier fare. For instance, she still serves chicken fingers - now made using almond flour and cooked in coconut oil. "I know what is going in the food and that's the most important thing." Make the process fun "Focus on the joy and excitement of good food," insists education director at Poughkeepsie Farm Project, Jamie Levato. "What we've found over the years is that what really makes a difference is having a positive outside experience with food - planting, taking care of plants, harvesting and cooking - being part of the process." Love healthy food, don't hide it Levato's approach doesn't focus on "kids' foods" or "hiding foods." Instead, her approach is to get kids to love healthy food because it's delicious. She says, "When kids go out in the fields and pick, they taste as they go and get excited as they try new flavors." "Model the behavior you'd like to see in your child," Levato says, "Your joy and excitement will come through to your children." Be patient, don't force it Sonia McGowan is a mom and a nutrition educator with the Cornell University Cooperative Extension Hudson Valley Region Eat Smart New York program. "It is not helpful to force children to eat especially when introducing a new food. Instead, present the food and let them pick or serve themselves." She says it's fine to sneak vegetables into foods such as smoothies, or cut them into small pieces in a stew. "Give snacks fun names such as ants on a log − celery spread with peanut butter and topped with raisins − to entice children to try new food," says Ethan Shafran, a Cornell nutrition educator with a focus on youth. Senior nutritionist with the Cornell program, Steven Alihonou says,"Picky eating, and food refusal are common. Don't stress too much unless it is negatively affecting their health." Provide a variety of wholesome, nutrient dense foods, and snacks. Alihonou says, "Remember to be patient and creative. Provide an opportunity for kids to be part of the planning process. Make mealtime a positive experience for the entire family. Olivia L. Lawrence, a writer and editor, loves to be outside whenever possible. ©2017 NaturaLawn ® of America, Inc. A division of NATURLAWN ® 6HUYLFHV3URGXFWV(DFKRIÀFHLQGHSHQGHQWO\RZQHGDQGRSHUDWHG Kick the ticks the safer way. When considering the KHDOWKEHQHÀWVIRU \RXUIDPLO\XVHD VDIHUDOWHUQDWLYH 2XUSURJUDPRIIHUV VHDVRQORQJFRQWURORI WLFNVRQ\RXUSURSHUW\ ( 845 ) 471-8308 6DIH11DWXUDO#7LFN5DQJHUFRP Contact us for your FREE price quote. $50 OFF a Full Program! :KHQ\RXEHFRPHDQHZ7LFN5DQJHU ® customer. Satisfaction guaranteed or ZH·OOUHWUHDWDWQRFRVW-2IIHUHQGVVRRQ