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Does my child have special needs? A physician answers questions on doctor's office screenings Q. How are you checking that a child may have special needs? A Physicians evaluate your child at every visit, especially at their well-child checkups. Each wellchild checkup has a set of milestones that we monitor. The categories are social, emotional, cognitive, and physical and communicative. For example, at one year old, a child should speak one to two words, pull to stand, stand alone, try to copy you and wave bye-bye. At your child's well-child exam you may be given a pre-exam questionnaire to fill out regarding your child. As your children get older, we also rely on their teachers to pick up anything they feel may need to e evaluated. One specific questionnaire you will receive will be at your child's 18-month to 2-year q n a editorial colvisit, asking screening questions for umn autism. There are several screening tools available and all can be quickly scored. Q. Once diagnosed, what services are available to my child? A This often depends on the age of the child, and this is why as a family practioner it is very important to identify any issues early. Early intervention services are often only available to children of younger ages, and after that we often rely on school services. Early intervention is often helpful, as they can do a home evaluation and can set up services such as counseling or even speech and language evaluation. Often counseling will be not only for the child, but for the family as well, since it can be a strain on the entire family caring for a special needs child. Dr. Anthony D'Ambrosio is a physician at Fishkill Primary Care. The office can be reached at 845-896-8784, or at Hudson Valley Parent 15 n n hudson valley parent favorite docs voting the goddard school for early childhood development goddard school wappingers falls