Hudson Valley Parent

HVP - March 2014

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Page 6 of 45 n Hudson Valley Parent 7 Grocery cart safety F or parents of infants, the everyday errand of grocery shopping is a juggling act. While many resort to balancing the baby carrier on the top part of their shopping carts, statistics re- veal this maneuver is dangerous. Despite the appearance that some carriers are designed to fit on top of a shopping cart, this isn't the case. In fact, falls from shopping carts are the leading cause of head injuries in young children, according to the Consum- er Products Safety Commission, accounting for tens of thousands of injuries annually. For safer shop- ping, follow these tips: • Wear your baby in a carrier instead • Whenever possible, shop with a second adult or older child who can attend to the baby while you gather groceries. • Make your local stores safer for children. Retailers are constantly seeking feedback from customers. The next time you are at the store, tell the manager you want carts with infant carrier docking stations like the ones at Even parents with the best inten- tions sometimes don't always know about shopping cart dangers. By spreading the word to friends and family with young children, you can make shopping safer for everyone. 'New Moms' is a monthly column dedi- cated to our readers in their earliest stages of motherhood. New moms 0$'6&,(1&(&$03 /RFDWLRQVWKURXJKRXW5RFNODQG2UDQJH 'XWFKHVV3XWQDPDQG8OVWHU&RXQWLHV +DQGV2QDQG0LQGV2Q0DG6FLHQFHLV WKH/HDGLQJ)XQ6FLHQFH3URYLGHUIRU.LGV 6800(5 &$03723,&6 3PCPUJDTr/BUVSFr4FDSFU"HFOU-BC /"4"+PVSOFZ*OUP0VUFS4QBDF .BE.BDIJOFT$SB[Z$POUSBQUJPOT $VN$ERXWRXU([FLWLQJ 6FKRRO3URJUDPV%LUWKGD3DUWLHV 3UH6FKRRO3URJUDPV "ODJFOU"EWFOUVSFT#VSJFE#POFT (845) 294-5434 4DJFODF.ZTUFSJFT'BOUBTUJD'PSDFT mad science camp summer camps pediatric dentistry pediatric dentist special needs camp

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