Hudson Valley Parent

HVP - March 2014

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24 Hudson Valley Parent n March 2014 ǁǁǁ͘ƉŽƵŐŚŬĞĞƉƐŝĞŐĂůůĞƌŝĂŵĂůů͘ĐŽŵ ^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJ͕DĂƌĐŚϮϮͻϭϮŶŽŽŶ ĂƐƚĞƌŐŐ^ĐĂǀĞŶŐĞƌ,ƵŶƚ ůĞĂĚŝŶŐƵƉƚŽƚŚĞ ĚŝĂŵŽŶĚŐŝǀĞĂǁĂLJ ;ǀĂůƵĞĚĂƚΨϭ͕ϬϬϬͿ WƌĞͲƌĞŐŝƐƚĞƌĂƚ 8LI FYRR] MW GSQMRK 8LI FYRR] MW GSQMRK XL %RRYEP ,ERRSYWL ,YRX )EWXIV &YRR] %VVMZEP Twice as nice or double trouble? Life with twins demysitified By ROXANNE FERBER A s a mom to 3-year-old twin girls, I encounter a lot of questions, from the typical "Are they identical?" to the ridiculous "Are they both yours?" Along my parenting journey, I've found that friends, family and strangers alike are always curious about life with twins, and I've en- countered a lot of myths and truths about what it's like to raise multi- ples. Here are a few of my favorite myths about life with multiples: Myth #1: There is always a "good twin" and an "evil twin." This one is false. Twins, like singletons, are born with their own distinct personalities and moods, and at times one twin may seem more dominant than the other. But then suddenly they will switch roles. More often than not, twins will ban together as partners in crime. Every random twin parent I meet in the grocery store says the same thing" "What one doesn't think, of the other one will!" Myth #2: Twins are always each other's best friend. This can be true. According to Donna Bruschi, a New Paltz mother of 17-year-old twins, her children have always been really close. "They are best friends in the truest sense, and they're always there for each other," she says. I have met several sets of adult twins who can't live without their sibling and remain very close, and others who live completely separate from their twin. My daughters push each other's buttons, but they also encourage and comfort each other.

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