Hudson Valley Parent 25
rash guards and hats with high UV
protection factor.
Nekos concludes, "Sunscreen has
been used by people for decades
without indication or data that show
Brianna Grossman uses rash guards and hats
to shade her 3-year-old from the sun.
it causes harm."
If you are concerned about the
safety of chemical sunscreens there
are a number of mineral sunscreens
and products on the market that rely
on zinc oxide and titanium dioxide to
protect the skin.
Sara Burks, a mother of three from
Beekman says, "I switched to a chemical
safe sunscreen when my kids were
little. I also wanted to do better
not just for my children but for our
environment since the chemicals get
absorbed into our water systems."
Pamela Perry is the director of
consumer development for Hudson Valley
Parent. When she isn't at the office, she
loves exploring the Hudson Valley with
her two young sons.