Issue link: ■ Hudson Valley Parent 13 F A I T H C H R I S T I A N A C A D E M Y N E W L O C AT I O N | PRE-K - 12 GR A DE Former IBM Casperkill Conference ctr. on Rt.9 d e f i n i n g f u t u r e l e a d e r s | N o w A c c e p t i n g A p p l i c a t i o n s /T^NZaP]8Z]P,MZ`_1LT_S.S]T^_TLY,NLOPXd bbbQLT_SNS]T^_TLYLNLOPXdZ]Rg# !!! T_S.S]T^_TLY,NLOPXd XdZ]Rg# !!! By RACHAEL MOSHMAN N o! Please! Mommy! Mom- my, don't go!" Sound familiar? Separa- tion anxiety is a normal part of child development. Babies and toddlers will often scream when it is time for Mommy or Daddy to hand them off to the caregiver, even if it is a familiar routine. It is also normal for preschoolers or young school age children to become tearful or clingy when starting a new school or returning after a break. Seeing their child so upset often results in a very guilty and stressed out parent. Many parents make the separation even more upsetting to their child without realizing it. I have worked with young children and families for over 20 years and have witnessed thousands (maybe millions!) of drop offs. Here are some tips for making drop off less stressful for everyone: Build familiarity Bring your child to the facility before their first day. Let them see the caregivers or teachers, other children, play areas and materials. Arrange for them to visit several times, if possible, with the duration increasing slightly with each visit. Tell your child what to expect Read storybooks about children who go to a babysitter, daycare or school. Let your child know where you'll be while you're away and when you'll be back. Make sure they know who will be looking after them. Walk them through the day, for example, "After I walk you to your class room I am going to go to work. 10 ways to make drop off easier (Continued on Page 14)